soundproofing: Acoustic Air Vents

Acoustic Air Vents are soundproofed solution to allow ventilation into music rooms, studios and band rooms without compromising other sound insulating measures that may have been taken.
Sizes are dependent on the vent ordered.
Acoustic Air Vents are soundproofed solution to allow ventilation into music rooms, studios and band rooms without compromising other sound insulating measures that may have been taken.
It has always been difficult to devise an efficient ventilation system when designing any form of soundproofed room because any hole made through a wall will usually allow noise through. Acoustic Air Vents have been designed to allow ventilation through a wall and fitted with a very effective sound absorbing lining that substantially reduces noise penetration through the vent without reducing airflow. These Acoustic Vents are now available to obtain the maximum amount of sound control possible in any soundproofed room and are particularly useful for studios, music rooms, garage conversions, and many other instances where a degree of sound control and ventilation is required.
Below are details of three of our most popular Acoustic Air Vents from our much wider range if required. More details on the range available can be viewed by clicking on the Download PDF tab above right. The PDF is quite a large file so may take a few minutes to download.
AAC125HP -
Super Acoustic Controllable Air Vent (Up to 50 dB Dn,e,w)
Sound reduction is 45 - 50dB D n,e,w
Main Uses, Features and Benefits
This product is now supplied with a re-designed internal vent cover that has a push/pull action to adjust air flow. Unlike our other vents, this cover can be decorated to suit the internal decor either by painting or papering as shown in the above image.
To see more on this product please click on the Tech Spec page above right.
TAL4H&M- '9x3' Acoustic AirLiner® Set with Hit & Miss Ventilator (Up to 39dB Dn,e,w)
To see more on this product please click on the Tech Spec page on above right.
TAL9H&M 9x9" Acoustic Vent Set with Hit & Miss Ventilator (Up to 38dB Dn,e,w)
To see more on this product please click on the Tech Spec page above right.
If you require an external cowl for these vents please ensure you request this when ordering.