Sound Proofing help and advice on all aspects of noise and noise nuisance including wall sound proofing, floor sound proofing and ceiling sound proofing.
If you find or have an article which you feel would be worth sharing with others please email it to
General Sound proofing Advice

Our Frequently asked questions
Here you will find some of the most frequently asked questions we deal with.

customer testimonials
See what our customers think of our products here. You can also find individual testimonials on each product page.

Noise Defined
The most read of our articles, this guide explains all the different types of sound and describes how they are measured.

Sound proofing Jargon Explained
Here we offer a dictionary like explanation of common terms used when referring to noise.

how to sound proof your HOUSE
Is sound proofing worthwhile? Do I need to sound proof my house? All your questions answered.

Ceiling Sound proofing
Details on h ow to sound proof a ceiling to reduce noise from above.

Floor Sound Proofing
This article describes the best way to sound proof a floor. Concrete or timber suspended, carpeted or hard surfaced.

Wall Sound Proofing
Here we discuss how to sound proof a wall. Thick and thin solutions to sound proof a party wall.

NOISE – Facts & Figures
Around one in five people hear noise from their neighbours and almost half of those are annoyed by it.

What is flanking SOUND?
Flanking sound is both airborne and impact noise that usually transmits through the fabric of a building.

This article descibes how to construct an acoustic test chamber if on a limited budget
noise reduction for Specific noisy environments

Motor Vehicle Sound proofing
There are a number of areas within a car that can be sound proofed. We discuss them in this article.

Pump & COMPRESSor Noise
Pump and compresser noise are very common. We have a range of products to reduce the noise.

General Machine Noise
Advice on how to reduce noise from machines including how to build your own sound proof box over the noise source. NEW

This article tells you how to reduce vibration and airborne noise from a washing machine.

Sound proofing a Garage or shed
A garage can be sound proofed and used as a music practise room etc. Here we explain how.

how to easily reduce bass noise build up
A simple solution to reduce bass noise building up in right angled corners.

How to reduce noise passing through a door
How to reduce noise through doors and door frames using our DIY door sound proofing kits. NEW ARTICLE

Basic Window Sound proofing
The most effective way to insulate a domestic window is using secondary glazing.

How to sound proof a garden fence
Advice on how to reduce noise passing through a garden fence using our recycled sound proofing products. NEW ARTICLE

Reducing Road Vehicle Noise
Road vehicles have to comply with noise-level standards. The police can take action if vehicles have defective silencers.

Reducing Aircraft Noise
The Government also sets different noise limits for flights during the night and day time.

Reducing tube noise
Advice on ways to reduce the noise made by Tube or underground trains. NEW ARTICLE !!

Marine noise reduction
This article describes how our products can help reduce noise from boat engines.

SOUND PROOFING for pubs & clubs - A Guide for the venue owner
Need to reduce sound leaving a pub or nightclub? Follow our step by step guide.

Quiet Ventilation
If you have a soundproofed room and require clean air then this article is for you.

Sound Insulation Value of Timber Stud Partitions
Here we show the insulation value of timber stud wall partitions with and without our products.

noisy PARTY!
A simple guide on how to reduce unwanted noise at Christmas time. Designed for you and your neighbour.
Sound Regulations

The term “Part E” refers to the new Approved Document E of the Building Regulations. IMPROVED ARTICLE !!

NEED Part e BUT No access to ceiling ?
How to upgrade a separating floor when there is no access to ceiling below.

Information on how to bring stairs in common areas into compliance with Part E Resistance to the Passage of Sound.

Robust Detail Explained
Robust details provide an alternative to pre-completion testing for demonstrating compliance with performance standards of Part E.

do you suffer from Noise at Work?
Noisy workplaces should now be a thing of the past. This article explains how to help save your hearing at work.

music at Work - your questions answered?
If your unsure what the law says on loud music at work then read this article.

Noise Law - Getting to grips with where you stand
If your unsure what the law says on loud noise we have the answers here.

Noise at Work Regulations - The Employers Guide
Since the update in 2006 the Noise Regulations effect most employers.
Information for Educational Establishments

Noise Control in Schools
Schools now have to comply with Part E on acoustics within each study space. We explain how.

Pre-completion Test Failure
Anyone applying for a change of use or New build property has to have a pre completion test. Read more here.
Sound absorber and studio acoustic related articles

STUDIO Room Acoustics
This technical article talks about the varying ways that sound affects a room and is an ideal read for students studying noise.

Why you need acoustic treatment
This article talks about why acoustic treatment is important in a recording studio.
Our Sound Wizard,will help you find the correct soundproofing products to treat your noise problem Click here to run